With the holiday season finally here your customers will soon be flocking to prepare their Christmas gift giving. To avoid the last-minute rush, we always advise preparing your stock ahead of time.
Festive packaging adds a fresh new image to your brand and encourages customers to take full advantage of your holiday offers.
Below is a list of ways you can add some festivity to your packaging.
1) Add a touch of elegance to your packaging.
Customers love a more luxurious feel with their gifts during Christmas. Colour combinations such as black and gold are a simple route to take. Black is seen as elegant whilst gold adds luxury. Think black wrapping and a gold bow, simple cost-efficient and not too complex.

2) Go rustic with your designs
Want to stay more Eco-friendly this year? Then rustic packaging is the way to go; why not opt for our Kraft paper roll and tie with simple brown string? This look adds an organic and warm adaptation to traditional packaging. And by ensuring your packages are Eco-friendly you can help reduce your plastic waste!

3) Traditional is still effective.
Green and red are the first colours that come to mind when you think of Christmas, maybe upgrade with deeper options of this combination. This sends a clear statement during this period whilst not having to make too many changes.

4) Keep it minimal and simple.
By opting for non-traditional festive colours or designs it doesn't mean you can’t change up your branding for peak season. E-commerce customers are finding their brands stand out more now living more minimalistic is becoming a growing trend. This can also flow into new year if you have surplus stock as there is no obvious holiday theme.

5) Fill those voids with fillers.
Go for a natural tone with your void fillers this year, by adding this rustic filler you add a feeling of warmth and a great package to be shared on Instagram which will build awareness for your brand.

6) Stick to stickers
Stickers are a great last-minute cost-effective solution for Christmas packaging! They are cheap and cheerful and always add a personal touch to your parcels. You can have some branded or some with a simple Christmas greeting.

7) Include some DIY
Christmas is all about adding your own personal touch. Why not add some sticker options or even a small branch of a Christmas tree inside your package for your customer to use as they see fit? Get creative, add a candy cane sweet or a ready to write Christmas card. These are inexpensive options which go a long way in promoting customer retention.

Christmas is a time to have fun and bring happiness to others, your package can bring this to them by sprucing up your packaging. If you would like some more information or tips please contact us on 0161-839-1374.